Friday, April 13, 2012

The Avengers World Premiere with Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner, Mark Ruffalo, Samuel L Jackson, Cobie Smulders, and more

The Avengers premiere was Tuesday and this premiere was madness.  Some fans camped out overnight to get a good spot, the pushing and shoving when celebrities signed was some next level shit, and it was all worth it because so many of the cast member signed and I got a ton of great autographs.

I arrived to the premiere about four hours early and the rail was so packed with fans I was in the third row.  But luckily I'm good at maneuvering through a crowd and when the celebrities finally started signing I was in the second row behind some people much shorter than me. 

The first person I got was Mark Ruffalo.  I was curious to see if being in Avengers would change Mark as he in the past was one of the nicest celebrities out there.  While he did sign, he did not spend all that much time signing and it actually surprised me how little he signed the whole day. I managed to get two 11x14s signed by him on arrivals, but I didn't get him on departures or at the after party. 

Next was a big surprise, as Scarlett Johansson not only signed, but probably signed for about thirty yards worth of fans.  I thought Scarlett would sign at some point today, but my guess was that she would do a ten foot section and then quickly leave and go do press.  But she was really cool today and I was happy she signed.  I would have gotten two 11x14s signed from her but she did not like one of my photos and would not sign it.   I was still satisfied with one signed 11x14. 

In my opinion the award for Best Signer on the day goes to Jeremy Renner.  He signed a ton on arrivals and then signed a ton on departures and was all smiles the whole time.  The Town and The Hurt Locker are two of my favorite movies of the last few years, but I had to get him on Avengers photos today.  He signed four 11x14s for me between arrivals and departures. 

I was really surprised when Samuel L Jackson signed as he has not signed recently in Los Angeles.  He must have been feeling good today because he did a pretty large section of the crowd.  I didn't print an individual photo for me because I honestly just didn't think he would do it, so I had him sign an Avengers 11x14 poster shot for me. 

Chris Evans usually only signs on arrivals at premiere and he is usually moving really quickly.   Today was the same.   I managed to get two 11x14s signed by him on arrivals and by shear luck I got one more signed when he walked out of a back door right in front of me while I was going to my car after the movie had already started.  

Clark Gregg is always nice, he signed an individual 11x14 and my cast 11x14. 

Next was Chris Hemsworth and Chris wins the award for signing the most on arrivals.  He didn't sign the rest of the day.  But I was absolutely ok with that, since he signed four 11x14s for me on arrivals. 

Joss Whedon signed and I had him sign an 11x14 for me.  I had just seen him two times before (A Fans Hope premiere and Cabin in Woods premiere) in the last ten days so most of my other photos were already signed by him.

Jon Favreau signed but I didn't get him on anything because I was preoccupied with Tom Hiddleston who was headed my way from the other direction.  Unfortunately Tom's publicist came and pulled him away when he was about five feet from me and I didn't get him. 

Cobie Smulders signed and I got her to signed two 11x14 photos for me.

Stellan Skarsgard was pretty cool and spend a good amount of time signing for everyone.  He even switched pens for me when he was holding a black sharpie and I needed him in silver on my cast photo.  He signed two Pirates of the Caribbean 8x10s and my Avengers cast 11x14.

And lastly Stellan's son Alexander Skarsgard aka Eric Northman on True Blood came to support his dad.  I forgot to pull my photos for him (which I was kicking myself for when he finally signed at the end of the night).  I did however get a picture with him.  I'll get my photos signed next time. 

Robert Downey Jr signed the least of everyone.  He signed for maybe thirty seconds and then was done. In my opinion RDJ has acted a bit arrogant the last few times I've seen him. 

I didn't get Hiddleston but he did sign a good amount just not in my section.  

I also didn't get Stan Lee which killed me as he is one of my favorites, he signed in the section about ten feet from me.  

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