Monday, September 17, 2012

End of Watch premiere

For the last week or so I've been talking about how pumped I am to see End of Watch.  The previews look really good and it just seems like my kind of movie.  So I went to the premiere to try to get some autographs and unfortunately I was kind of soured by my experience.  Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena were both not very nice.  Jake just acted really pompous and didn't at all seem like he had any fun interacting with fans asking for his autograph or a picture with him.  Michael was just weird in general.  He signed erratically for about 30 seconds and I wasn't even able to complete one my combo shots Jake had already signed.  To be honest the way Jake and Michael acted made me a lot less pumped to see End of Watch.  I went from wanting to go see it at the midnight showing Thursday to leaving the premiere wanting to wait til video. 

Anyways here's my stuff I got signed.  Here's Jake signing:

 Below: someone handed Jake a dead silver pen (since I didn't even get Michael on it I'm less pissed about the silver)

Michael Pena jumping around not signing:

 Below: I did manage to complete this one 12x18 combo. 

On the bright side Anna Kendrick is really really nice.  She was a sweetheart just like always.  I brought two 11x14 photos along and got them both signed really easily. 

And Cody Horn was really nice too.  I had two 11x14 photos along and also got them signed easily.  

Thats it for this premiere.  Went home pretty disgusted with the stars. 


  1. remember autographs is about preparation, patience and then luck. you just didnt get lucky today. You are pretty lucky most days though...dont let signing or not signing sour perception of movie looks good.

    1. There is no element of luck to Jake Gyllenhaal blowing off girls asking him for a photo with and ignoring fans calling for him while he stood in front of the theatre for 5 minutes after the movie doing nothing. That's not luck. I dont give a shit if someone doesn't sign. Joseph Gordon Levitt does not to sign but he's really polite about it so I still like him. If a celebrity acts like interacting with "regular" people is an annoyance it absolutely is going to sour my perception of them and their movies.
